Monday, June 30, 2008

Meeting X.

I miss S something awful while she is at school. I didn’t know that a day could be so long. With that being said, I am really getting to know X. He is really an amazing child. He talks far more, plays so nicely, naps great, snuggles, giggles and explores in whole new ways. I didn’t know he could fill in so many words in the books we read. I skip whole sentences so he can fill them in. There is always an upside to every change.

He does seem to have extreme separation anxiety. I am never away from him. He freaked out when I put him in a friend’s car and walked around the other side to get in. Poor boy.

He and I have also attended two playgroups. They are very much like the playtime I used to spend with S at Logan Park. He didn't seem to like the first one at all. We were there an hour. He sat in my lap and wouldn't play until the last few minutes. Then, with 15 minutes to go, he started saying "bye kids, bye kids" and tugging my arm. They had a circle time at the end to sing, but he didn't want to stay for that either, so we left. The second went better, but he was clued to my hip. He did play though. I am sure the separation anxiety is the cause. He will settle in.

Oh, yes and he recently told VW (completely unprompted) he wants to be called Gus. This wasn’t a one day comment, he continues to advocate for the name. We occasionally called him Gus-Gus because he is like the little mouse on Cinderella who carries to much corn and drops it everywhere. I don’t know! I just don’t know. (We actually considered Augustus after my grandfather when I was pregnant).

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