Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa Visits X's school.

After X got his free activity book, he yelled out,
"Hey, I wanted a Buzz Light Year!" Makes a parent proud:)
The whole gang.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Beacon Hill with the H Family

As we waited for the H family, S was being a detective. Hmm, she wrote, "M did not turn up."

It was a great day of hiking through the raining park.
Followed by pizza, hot chocolate and fun at our place.

Peter Pan

We took the kids to the Curve (big new theater that opened while we have been here) to see Peter Pan. It was a great day. S liked it and X did as well, but it did get long for him. My favorite parts were the lost boys songs and the portrayal of Tiger Lily.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bradgate Park

Guarding the forest?

Another lovely day walking through Bradgate Park. This time we were looking for trolls and fairies. Can you see I am all decked out in my non-rubbish coat, hat and backpack of goodies. All I need is a good pair of boots.

I love it when they are being so sweet.

Rocket Launching with the H Family! Fantastic!

Saturday during the day, we had brunch at the H's. It was so good: pancakes, sausages, bacon, eggs, bread, and on and on we ate. Yum! Most of the day was spent launching paper rockets over a fence. Wow, did the kids have a good time (and we did too, but don't tell.) I only wish I had brought the camera!

On another note, S had her school Christmas bazaar this past week. V took her, while I attempted to put X to bed- "Why did he leave me, Why!" I spent Wednesday labeling items for it. It was a week filled with swimming, tennis, gymnastics, mini dribblers, the disco, and that was just the kids' schedule!

V's 37th!

I think we managed to pull off a nice Birthday for V. Friday, I made him two cakes, one for each child to decorate as they saw fit. He got a new snugly sweat shirt, a Black eyed Peas CD and tickets to a Rugby game. We go in January. It should be fun.

After dinner and cake I took S to her school disco. I stayed and chaperoned.
I love doing it and she loves when I come. I need to enjoy it while she wants me there.
It was "fancy dress." S was so disappointed she didn't win the dress up contest.

On Saturday we got a sitter and went out to dinner with our neighbors. It was great fun and they introduced us to a new restaurant. V had a steak and I had swordfish. We even had plenty of drinks!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I added our Cyprus Holiday. 3 entries in November. I bet I will have editing to do, but I decided something was better than nothing. I never did post our vacation to Malta last May.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Random Thoughts

I really, really use the word really too much. I had planned to go back and edit it out of the blogs, but, well never mind.

V and I have rediscovered the Band of Brothers Series. It is really good!

It is dark here a 4 pm. I mean dark! And the moon seems to be out 80% of the day.

I forgot to tell you that Friday night I hosted a few mom friends. N, K and D. We talked until 12:30. I had a wonderful night. The kids and V watched a movie. I checked on them at 10:00. S had done a good job putting the boys to bed:)

S started tennis lessons. She is just doing 4. The first night was miserable. Rainy and cold. The coach took them in for a break to warm up, the boys went home and the girls stuck it out! Go Girl Power. The second night was better and she even hit a few balls. She is a trooper. X was less then happy the first night, but played well in the warming house the 2nd.

S also started private swimming lessons. She loves them. I think she is part mermaid.

I wore out the motor on my elliptical machine. I wish it were a sign of my great physical state, unfortunately it is just poor quality. Amazingly, I called the company and they are sending a repair person with a new part. Wow. I couldn't believe they were so helpful. Really.

It is December 1st and we have officially completed 18 months in England.

Well, I think I am caught up on blogging. All I need to do it post our Cyprus Trip, from October:( I will let you know when it is up.

Spelling Words

These are S. spelling words for this week. I can't believe the words they give a 6 year old.


Space Center

V and X had a great day at the National Space Center which is here in Leicester.
X is all about astronauts at the moment.

There was a really good movie in the dome theater (like an Imax).

X's late night of partying caught up with him during the movie. V said he took an hour nap.

S and I went out to lunch and had a lovely chat. Hopes, dreams and fears type stuff. Then we came home and watched Everafter. It has been great to introduce some of the "bigger" girl movies to her and so snuggley.

Around the House

Big Boy Bed. X woke up one morning crying, why do I have a baby bed. So....
He must have the most vivid dreams. He really wakes up with the mood of his last dream.
Our new puzzle boy
We have been very busy. Like our (and I mean S's) snowflakes?
We all made a snowman/woman

Yes, a game the kids like to call attack mummy!
He woke at 5 am. Apparently under the desk is more comfortable.
Our pitiful grill. I don't know who dreams of the
monster grill we want to buy in the states more, V or I.