Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trip to the USA

We had a quick trip back in MN to take care of some various "business." Unfortunately, we did very little socializing. Our plans for the future are still unfolding and we look forward to sharing them, as they become finalized. Here are a few bits.
We did manage a quick trip to the MOA to fulfill S's Christmas present at Build a Bear, had great wheels from the M's, S made it to the Dentist (the tooth fairy visited later that evening) and a disappointing trip to Keys for breakfast.

We have read almost every book you see behind S.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bit of Advice

When your very independent, self dressing 3 year old has a doctor appointment, double check for underwear before you get to the clinic.

A Little Culture

Saturday, we went for a walk in Bradgate park. X seemed to fall apart quickly, so we grabbed the stroller and he was out in minutes. He took a good 90 minute nap. He is still on the mend from his cold. S enjoyed kicking a soccer ball and wondering around the rocks.
In the evening we attended a real Scottish haggis party hosted by one of V co workers. It was a great cultural experience.

We also had all the fixings with it. V even poured whisky over his.

S loved it. Needless to say we didn't mention what was in it. I ate some, but couldn't get past knowing what was in it. It was a good adventure.

Rugby 101 by BW

Friday, V and I celebrated his birthday with the Rugby tickets I had bought for him. We had a bit of trouble parking, but had a good time once we settled. He had 2 lads from work join us as well. It was great to have their guidance during the game. The stadium was outside and it was a cold night, (and it makes me think an outdoor arena in MN is really going to be cold!) There is no jumbo tron and thus no replays to watch. There is no half time show or any "other" entertainment. The score board was oddly placed so that a 1/4 of the stadium could not see the board. The cheering was very polite and the crowd was friendly. Apparently that is not so at the football games, (a bit rough). The crowd numbered close to 20,000. The Leicester Tigers are one of the best teams in England. There is a difference between league play and union???

Ok, so here is your rugby lesson:
  • You can only pass the ball backwards.
  • You can kick the ball forward.
  • You only kick for points (3) when it is a foul.
  • There is no extra point.
  • The play continues even when people are down and the ball seems down, but then it pops out and they are running again.
Yes, very technical, now you could coach;)

It was fun, but I am still an American Football fan.