Friday, we headed to Warwick Castle. The day was a bit cold and several things were closed, compared to my last visit but we (DB, X and I) still had fun. It was a short day because we needed to pick up Miss S from school.
Saturday, we all headed to Chatsworth. It was amazing. One of my favorite stately home visits. The house rivaled Kensington, in fact I would say beat it for a grand house. It also had amazing gardens, a farm, a hedge maze and playground. We only touched the surface of what to see. The movie 'The Duchess' is based on one of the Duchesses that lived in there in the 1700's.
Chatsworth is the home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire ... With famous works of art, a working farmyard, spectacular fountains... shopping and eating...

Look Closely at the picture above.
Saturday night, we had a sitter and walked around Leicester. We ate at a good Portuguese Restaurant. A work mate of V’s joined us, so the night was full of great conversation. It was fun to hear the British thoughts and questions, DB’s fresh American eyes and V and I somewhere in the middle. We could have talked all night.
Sunday, we headed to the spa. It was so wonderful. We had breakfast, then relaxed in the various water experiences and pools. Next, we took a yoga class. Then we spent time relaxing in massage chairs and reading our books, then had lunch. We went back to the massage chairs until it was time for our facial and massage. All we could of asked for was longer massages. Back to the water experiences, then a relaxation class (ahh, because we hadn’t relaxed enough?) and chairs and finally champagne and truffles. All in all a pretty exhausting day (for V that is) Thank you my dearest husband for allowing us such a great treat.
Monday, we headed to Bradgate. We visited the tower side first and then pick up S to join us feeding the ducks and looking for deer (still missing from the scene?) We ordered curry (Indian food for you Americans, not actually curry flavored.)
DB definitely got a taste of life with the babes. They are never keen on letting anyone sleep in and visiting any tourist site goes at a kids pace and includes time at the farm/playground/kids’ attraction. However, it also has benefits like breakfast in bed and gifts (barbies, books, dolls) left outside your door, tickling and lots of laughs.
Tuesday, she left us for the excitement of London. We made an attempt to see Kirby Muxloe Castle (ruins) but it was closed. Then fish and chips at the pub (not served until noon) so we had a sandwich at the mall and said good-byes at the station. She didn’t see, but I cried when I left the train station.