Monday, December 8, 2008

Remember Someday

I have been writing about the fun or interesting things of late (at least from my point of view.) But I want to remind myself someday of all the normal things of life. Sunday we stayed home, I cleaned all three bathrooms, did laundry, washed dishes, cooked and picked up groceries. VW watched the kids, made a nice breakfast and worked. I am still doing laundry. I have so much laundry hung around the house right now to dry, I am not sure where I will put the next load. And I didn’t let it get away from me, I just didn’t do any on Saturday and all the sheets, towels and rugs also needed a wash.

My car needs an oil change, our furnace keeps losing pressure and not heating the house and my bank card isn’t working.

It is so dark here most of the time, it is light only from 7:15 am to 4:00 pm.

X won’t wear his winter coat because it doesn’t have a hood and he hides whenever it is time to poo. S loves school and her friends one day and cries the next.

Life can be just as mundane here as it can be at home. But as I tell S, if you spend your time worrying about what you miss or what you don’t have, you don’t have time to enjoy what you do have.

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