Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Good, the Bad II

The Good
Great Cheese
Great Strawberries
Having our desk set up. (It is the small stuff that makes every day life better.)
Having less stuff~overall. It is easier to keep clean and organized. Especially as I figure out my organization system.
Sense of taking a risk in life. Trying something new and scary.
Wonderful care packages, email and notes from home.

The Bad
Everything is always closed. (We tried to swim on a Saturday at the family pool. Closed at 5 pm. Then we went on Sunday, for $21 you can swim 1 ½ hours, then must leave~which is really about an hour after standing in various lines.)

The rain. I have that stir crazy feeling we have in the winter, only it is August. There are less child friendly activities as well. ECFE-I miss it so much. I am sure I will get more tuned in this fall. However, there are lots of indoor kids playgrounds.

Lack of kid friendly options. We have been trying to join a health club but the creches (daycare) are only open 2 or 3 hours in the morning, during the week. S is generally too old to go to them. One of the creches at a club we liked was $10 per hour per child. Another was only $4 per hour, per child. However that club only allowed children in their pool a few hours each weekend.

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