Friday, August 8, 2008

Fun Days

The last few days have been really good. We went to Newcastle with VW (he was working), stayed in a hotel and let the kids swim around the clock. It was great. The hotel was very nice. Walking distance was an Ikea and Toys-r-us. I sorted out our desk problems with Ikea and got a few things. See our desk pictures old to new! :) I wish we had had a few more days there. I look forward to going back and exploring more.

S took a gymnastics class she loved. She asked me to find a class, then did not want to go when the time came. So, I really had to push her. At the end of class she said, “Even though that was really hard, it was fun. Can I come back tomorrow!” Music to my ears. It is hard to know sometimes when to push and when to back down. It was interesting too, because it was really a gymnastics class. The preschool/toddler play class is in the past. I was watching, and thinking she wouldn’t like the structure, but she loved it. Also, the coaches weren’t British. I think they were eastern European. S was so quiet, when we got there, the coach (in her strong accent) asked me if S’s English was ok? Knowing S, her early speech and endless chatter, I find it terribly funny.

Today we had our first play date. It was with a family from S's school. It was a great morning. The mom is someone that has really been a great help to me. Very kind and thoughtful. Her 3 boys are a joy. They all played so nicely. S and A (the son from S’s class) were so sad at the end. They decided they wanted to have a sleepover. Hmmm. I don’t think so….

Adding to my good mood, I think we found a sitter (a daughter of a co worker of VW, we met her and she was great with the kids one evening at their house when we first arrived.) We are working on joining a health club and have finally gotten a desk. We are so close to being settled in the house. It takes so much longer then you would think to settle in between the kids, the stores, not having a car (before) and just buying everything from silverware to beds to waste baskets. Heck, just explaining what a waste basket is-a bin.

I have finally given in and have been hanging most of our laundry out to dry. It just never really dries in the dryer. VW calls it the wrinkle machine. It doesn’t seem to dry the clothes, just wrinkle them. I don’t know what I will do in the winter (or the 5 days a week it rains.) I have hung a small line in the house, but will need to get several more to hang in the bathroom on laundry days. It isn’t really that bad, it just takes longer.

This weekend I hope to stay home and catch up around the house.

Well, more later. I have several pictures to post as soon as I get the chance. For now you can check out the car ride and house pictures.

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