Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hanging Out

We tried to have a low key week. Over the weekend, we went swimming and played at Abby Park on Sunday. On Saturday we stayed in, but managed a short bike ride/run. (I actually ran and V pulled the kids in the burly.) Then we went to an indoor playground for a short bit. About 20 minutes in, I was nuts. There were so many people.

Warning: Parent Brag moment, but I can't help it!
The past two weeks were top notch for S. She was given Star of the Week for being a joy in class, and then she had a Note Home for being a great helper tidying up (hmmm, I knew she knew how to clean her room:) Then on Thursday she was presented at the school awards assembly with sustained achievement in impeccable conduct and care towards her peers (they only give out 8 merit awards per year, per grade.) So it has been a good high around here for her and us.

Tuesday, V had a night out at the health club and then dinner with a friend. Wednesday, S had a birthday party and won the bowling tournament (I took X swimming). Thursday, I had a night out with the girls at a local Curry place. Great night for N's birthday-haha!

Outside of all of this we have had a bunch of paperwork, business and personal projects we have been trying to get a handle on. I feel a bit crazed.

Now, we start a two week break from school for Easter. Love you all!

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