Sunday, December 6, 2009

V's 37th!

I think we managed to pull off a nice Birthday for V. Friday, I made him two cakes, one for each child to decorate as they saw fit. He got a new snugly sweat shirt, a Black eyed Peas CD and tickets to a Rugby game. We go in January. It should be fun.

After dinner and cake I took S to her school disco. I stayed and chaperoned.
I love doing it and she loves when I come. I need to enjoy it while she wants me there.
It was "fancy dress." S was so disappointed she didn't win the dress up contest.

On Saturday we got a sitter and went out to dinner with our neighbors. It was great fun and they introduced us to a new restaurant. V had a steak and I had swordfish. We even had plenty of drinks!

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