Sunday, November 15, 2009

Holiday in Cyprus

We had a wonderful 10 days in Cyprus. We mostly swam at our pool, at the beach and even a water park. It was the perfect temperature and had the most clean beautiful beaches.

A few things we noticed was how many places were out of business and the number of empty restaurants. The landscape was desert like and there is great water shortage issues. Those issues have increased with vacation home building from the last decade.

We had a lovely pool at our villa
Hide and go seek
Three 3 bedroom, 2 bath, great room, and pool in the back.
Did we have to go home?

Fantastic Water Park
Can you see this mini doughnut company was from MN.

At a mini fair one night

Nissi was our favorite beach and only 10 minutes from the villa

Most of the restaurants had play areas for the kids. We only ate out about 3 times, but it made it so enjoyable. We did meet several nice Irish families. The Irish are always so kind.

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