Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Recent Good Stuff

V, the kids and I had a great Saturday night with a family from S’s school. We have gotten to know them over time here. The kids played well until the last ½ hour when everyone was tired (10:30pm!)
Dinner was soooo good and the conversation was even better. Thanks N, R, J and E.

We also saw Bolt in 3D at the theater downtown. It was very cute. It opened a little too violent, but that passed and we enjoyed the rest.

Sunday, V headed out of town again for the week. We met him Friday in London. To pass the time between, S had ballet and S and X had Tea (dinner) at a new friends, while the mum and I chatted.

We are also very excited to know that one of my BF is coming soon to visit (I booked us a spa day) and on her and her friend’s departure, my parents arrive. March will be a whirlwind.

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