Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentine's in London

Chasing Pigeons

How romantic! Even with kids. They are the ultimate result of our love. V had roses, a sentimental card and chocolates (for S and X) waiting at the hotel for us. He even bought food and water for the room and waited for us at the tube station. Thank goodness for cell phones, as we came out a different exit! We swam, snacked and hung out. Our hotel was very nice and it included a good breakfast (and we aren’t usually big on inclusive breakfasts.)

Saturday, we went to the British Science Museum. The kids loved it. There were plenty of hands on experiments. I really liked the history of product development from WWII to now. You could also see lots of space items and many were American. I am sure there was much more to see then we could cover. We also walked through Hyde Park, which is much larger then I would have thought. There was a protest there as well. I can’t decide if they have lots of protests, or if I happen to stumble upon them.

That night we scurried about for a late dinner after swimming. It was tough to find a place on Valentines of course. We ate crepes at the train station (nicer then it sounds.)

Sunday, we went to Kensington Palace. It is where Princess Diana and Charles lived. As well as a great deal of royalty over the last two hundred years. Likely the most famous is Queen Victoria. We saw a great exhibit on Debutantes (who stopped being introduced to the Queen in 1958), their clothes and the history of it all. It was said that on a shoe-string budget, a debutante’s family spent $20,000 and it could go as high as $200,000 for a season (adjusted for today). It was my favorite part of the weekend. They also had Di’s clothes and we saw the state apartments. Strange to see the clothes Diana wore and recognize them from the many photo’s taken during her life. We weren’t allowed to take any pictures.

It is expected that 100% of Kensington will be opened to the public in the next 20 years. Currently, a few who have served the royalty well have been allowed to retire there.

Next we headed to the Natural History Museum. It was very nice, but as the travel book said, they all have dinosaurs, rocks and so on. I especially liked the exhibit on evolution. S was rather upset that we may have a relationship to monkeys. We swam again that night, ate dinner in the room and let the kids watch a movie.

Monday, we swam before leaving the hotel and then walked around Soho, Covent Garden and ate lunch. We were standing in Soho Park and having a potty trained boy mattered. V and I were looking at a map, I glance at X who has dropped his trousers “X what are you doing?” “Pottying!” “Ahhh, over here honey.” Boys. We soon headed home from our fun weekend, absolutely exhausted. X was asleep instantly and S did great in the car.

X has discovered a new favorite pass time; chasing pigeons. S on the other hand loves to shop. Put her in a market and she will study every bit of treasures they have. ASPW I may need your help when her shopping becomes an addiction!

I have about 8 loads of laundry, a million calls and two million chores waiting for me this week. S is home from school for the week, as it is half term break. I have planned two play dates for her and X.

Have a wonderful week. Love and Kisses to all.

Explorers at the Natural History Museum

Valentine's Dinner
Science Museum

Hyde Park
Hotel View

Great Game- Good Night Moon

Good Night Moon game is wonderful. Santa brought this game for S and X at Christmas. It is the first game I have found that can truly be played by a two year old. It has 6 different levels of play to match the age and skill of the player. We have played levels 1-4 and X could play all 4 as long as you help him wait to take his turn. (He has always been whiz at matching and memory games.) It is simple and sweet and can advance as they do. Especially good for the 2-4 crowd, as it is a bit to easy for S.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another Milestone~Teeth

S got her first permanent tooth and we can see the second one coming. Unfortunately, her baby teeth haven’t fallen out. Instead the permanent teeth are pushing through behind. So, she will likely need to have the two babies pulled. Time is passing so quickly.

Recent Good Stuff

V, the kids and I had a great Saturday night with a family from S’s school. We have gotten to know them over time here. The kids played well until the last ½ hour when everyone was tired (10:30pm!)
Dinner was soooo good and the conversation was even better. Thanks N, R, J and E.

We also saw Bolt in 3D at the theater downtown. It was very cute. It opened a little too violent, but that passed and we enjoyed the rest.

Sunday, V headed out of town again for the week. We met him Friday in London. To pass the time between, S had ballet and S and X had Tea (dinner) at a new friends, while the mum and I chatted.

We are also very excited to know that one of my BF is coming soon to visit (I booked us a spa day) and on her and her friend’s departure, my parents arrive. March will be a whirlwind.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Continuing Saga of the Snow…

Over 300 schools were still closed on Tuesday. I was hosting coffee that morning, but no one braved it. All activities are cancelled. S is supposed to have a play date tomorrow, but the mom said she was worried about the weather so may need to cancel. Wow. We had 1-2 inches of snow yesterday.
To be fair..(brit speak) the tires aren’t much more then bicycle tires and there are no plows. It is as though we are down south. The whole country is locked up.

Wednesday things seemed to return to normal somewhat. Most schools were open, but most people where still to worried to take their cars out. Truly there was nothing to worry about. There was a few rough spots on side streets. And there hadn’t been anymore snow since the inch on Monday. We woke up Thursday to another snow day. It is a proper snow this time. I bet 2 inches when it is finished. Everything is shut down again. The kids are out playing in the snow now. (A benefit to a fenced backyard and being able to watch them through the patio door as they play and I work at the computer.) Now, it is time for me to join them and build a snowman or two.

Unfortunately V has been out of town all week and the snow may stop his return tonight. All of London was shut down on Monday or Tuesday, including the buses and the tube.

Visit from KK

Our good friend from Tommie days was in London for a business trip and we got a sitter and spent the day there. Every time we go somewhere we learn a lesson. This time is was don’t drive in London. It took us so long once we got into London to find parking. It didn’t help that the parking lot we planned to use was located in the middle of a protest. Well 1 hour and ½ late we met KK. It was great to see you and we enjoyed dinner. Sorry about the London Eye :) You should be impressed SK.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Pathetic Showing

So we have an inch of snow (the most in 18 years!) and over 100 schools have closed. It didn’t even occur to me to check for S’s school to be closed. We headed out in my rear wheel drive, estate car with racing tyres and didn’t make it too far (as the Brits would spell and say. And don’t ask me why anyone would have put racing tires on a station wagon). We couldn’t get up the tiny little hill on our street without some fancy MN driving know how (yes I do have some…in comparison:0) but then I realized with out a running start we would never make it up the hill onto the bridge (dead stopped traffic). So we headed home to start again on the bus. By that time, the neighborhood and 10 or so cars were all stuck on the same hill and attempting to turn around and head home. I mentioned the bus and was informed there hadn’t been a bus in over an hour. They also let me know there likely wasn’t school. As it turned out, S’s was one of the open schools, but it is a snow day for her.

I am rather ashamed to have been stopped by a mere inch of snow, but without the proper equipment, there isn’t much I could do. The walk is too far and too dangerous (in the best of conditions).

The neighborhood kids stopped over to invite us to the park. They are so over the top excited, it feels like Christmas morning. Even the adults are a twitter. I can’t stop smiling.

KKS do you remember when we lived in the South of France and it was the first snow in ten years there. It must follow me!

Pictures to follow.