Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Weekend in Newcastle

So it begins, we decided to pull S from school for Monday so that we could go to Newcastle as a family. VW had a trip there for work. We went up a day early to visit Alnwick Castle 1309, (currently the home of the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, famed for Harry Potter and Robin Hood, the Prince of Thieves) and simply a gorgeous place. The weather was even good to us. It was windy, but didn’t rain until we were leaving.

S was picked as the assistant in a magic show. For a child who can be so shy, she can really perform on stage. We may have an actress in the making (we sure have a drama queen some days! I am sure it comes from VW’s roller coaster personality : ) I am soooo mellow.

We also visited Harewood in Leeds. Harewood was the home of Princess Mary (Aunt of Queen Elizabeth) and the Earl of Harewood. (Currently lived in by the present Earl.) The home was built in the mid 1700’s, funded by wealth created by the West Indian sugar trade and the slave trade.

We had a great time. It has a large playground, planetarium, bird garden, restaurant, the servants life area, several items from Princess Mary (wedding dress, dishes, etc.) and the rooms of the house. I would go back and definitely recommend it to others. We didn’t have enough time to see it all. It would be perfect if the weather was nice.

We also had a nice visit and dinner at the A family’s house. They are also ex-pats on the same program as us. Dinner was great and the kids played so well together. The A family kids were absolutely wonderful.

We will be offline for the next week and half. We have friends visiting and some time out and about planned. I will try and add pictures from the above. Love you! Cheers!

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