We had a great visit from the K family. It was so hard to watch them go! My only regret is not having them here longer! All five kids had at least as much fun as we did. X hasn’t taken off the hat BK gave him. He also keeps studying the book they brought. He has been saying, “I am a big kid”, ever since they left. S even cried watching them leave. I got to cuddle my little (and growing) goddaughter. AK has grown so much, he is making the transition away from being a little boy. He is a great big brother.
We all (excluding VW) spent a day at Warwick Castle. Warwick Castle was very nice. It was originally built in 914AD as a safe place from the Danish invaders. The castle moved from one family to the next passed on via a sister or nephew, etc. It was filled with wax dummies of some of the owners, there was a falcon show and a treboche. The kids enjoyed the playground. We didn't even have time to catch the gardens and mill house.
We went to dinner at the Bradgate, (sorry about the pepper M.) We also spent an afternoon at Bradgate Park (including a nice long hike)! The deer that usual roam everywhere decided to hide on us. Additionally, the adults were able to have a night out in Leicester (VW and I’s first night there as well). VW picked a great restaurant and then we hit a few bars. Ultimately D and I headed home to send off the sitter and chat. A and VW talked their way into the local (closing) Groby pub. VW said it was so much fun talking with the locals and hanging out with A. They showed up around 3 am or so.
I love the Birthday presents D brought me. She knows me so well.
We miss them terribly.