I miss S something awful while she is at school. I didn’t know that a day could be so long. With that being said, I am really getting to know X. He is really an amazing child. He talks far more, plays so nicely, naps great, snuggles, giggles and explores in whole new ways. I didn’t know he could fill in so many words in the books we read. I skip whole sentences so he can fill them in. There is always an upside to every change.
He does seem to have extreme separation anxiety. I am never away from him. He freaked out when I put him in a friend’s car and walked around the other side to get in. Poor boy.
He and I have also attended two playgroups. They are very much like the playtime I used to spend with S at Logan Park. He didn't seem to like the first one at all. We were there an hour. He sat in my lap and wouldn't play until the last few minutes. Then, with 15 minutes to go, he started saying "bye kids, bye kids" and tugging my arm. They had a circle time at the end to sing, but he didn't want to stay for that either, so we left. The second went better, but he was clued to my hip. He did play though. I am sure the separation anxiety is the cause. He will settle in.
Oh, yes and he recently told VW (completely unprompted) he wants to be called Gus. This wasn’t a one day comment, he continues to advocate for the name. We occasionally called him Gus-Gus because he is like the little mouse on Cinderella who carries to much corn and drops it everywhere. I don’t know! I just don’t know. (We actually considered Augustus after my grandfather when I was pregnant).
Monday, June 30, 2008
Too Belvoir Castle (and I drove!)
We had a great day at Belvoir Castle. It was about an hours drive. His Grace the Duke and Her Grace the Duchess of Rutland and their 5 children still live at the castle. You walk around the back and see the children’s bikes and motor scooters. Funny.
It was originally built in the 1100s. You see two levels of the castle and can walk the extensive grounds. The beautiful peacocks let you get very close and we “chatted” with the noisy lambs. Also, there is a restaurant on site. These are the days I fantasized about when I thought of moving to Europe.
To top off the day, I drove the whole way to the castle! We all survived. My hands actually hurt from clutching the steering wheel. I am not sure who was more stressed, VW or I???? I am really feeling more comfortable these days with the idea of driving. (The desire for independence will do that I suppose.)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Belvior Castle
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Riding the Bus-True to My...
…nature, we took the bus the wrong direction on the first day of school and then managed to get off two stops too early. We were 25 minutes late despite the fact that we left an hour early. The bus did stop at the school, it just took the long, long route about town. In my defense, I was unable to check the route online and map it for myself. I had to follow VMW’s directions, which were fine had I not misunderstood one key piece of information, about which side of the road to start on.
We were actually saved by a teacher who recognized us getting off at the wrong stop, and then walked with us to school. I didn’t realize until we were almost at the school that it was the wrong stop. I just thought-this is so much further then I remembered when I took the bus from downtown and walked. (Which was successful when I mapped it in my own way. Not defensive am I?) I got off at Glenfirth Road (which her school is on), but the stop we needed was County Hospital. Ahhh!
Well the second day went much better, although I determined I am walking between 4 and 5 miles a day, between bus stops and destinations. It took me 4 ½ hours of travel time getting to and from school (which is only about a 3 mile walk, if there was a path to walk it.) I carry X while he fights me. The road we walk along (on a sidewalk) is a four lane divided highway and moves at 50 plus miles per hour. So, X can’t walk (he runs away) and my stroller doesn’t fit on the bus. I miss my car!
Ok, so day three I was able to spend only 3 ½ hours traveling. I don't think it will be any less then 3 hours. VMW bought me a little umbrella stroller. Thank goodness. I will get the hang of it, but this is great incentive to buy a car and learn to drive here! I am ready. I am so disappointed in the public transportation, walking and biking options. I traveled all over Europe in college much more easily.
Just some facts. I find it interesting for me to evaluate my own progress navigating the system.
Cost (in Dollars)
S and I have to pay and X is free.
Day one-$3.60 per ride, per person. That means it costs us $21.60 per day to take S to school.
Day two-four-I was able to buy an all day pass on the bus. The means $12 per day to take S to school.
Day four-different information from a different source. I am able to buy a week pass on the bus and don’t have to go to the main station. It equates to $4.80 per day. I am getting better.
Time to and from school.
Day one-5 ½ hours-ouch.
Day two-4 ½ hours-ok.
Day three- 3 ½ hours-better.
Day four- 3 1/2 (this is as good as it will be)
We were actually saved by a teacher who recognized us getting off at the wrong stop, and then walked with us to school. I didn’t realize until we were almost at the school that it was the wrong stop. I just thought-this is so much further then I remembered when I took the bus from downtown and walked. (Which was successful when I mapped it in my own way. Not defensive am I?) I got off at Glenfirth Road (which her school is on), but the stop we needed was County Hospital. Ahhh!
Well the second day went much better, although I determined I am walking between 4 and 5 miles a day, between bus stops and destinations. It took me 4 ½ hours of travel time getting to and from school (which is only about a 3 mile walk, if there was a path to walk it.) I carry X while he fights me. The road we walk along (on a sidewalk) is a four lane divided highway and moves at 50 plus miles per hour. So, X can’t walk (he runs away) and my stroller doesn’t fit on the bus. I miss my car!
Ok, so day three I was able to spend only 3 ½ hours traveling. I don't think it will be any less then 3 hours. VMW bought me a little umbrella stroller. Thank goodness. I will get the hang of it, but this is great incentive to buy a car and learn to drive here! I am ready. I am so disappointed in the public transportation, walking and biking options. I traveled all over Europe in college much more easily.
Just some facts. I find it interesting for me to evaluate my own progress navigating the system.
Cost (in Dollars)
S and I have to pay and X is free.
Day one-$3.60 per ride, per person. That means it costs us $21.60 per day to take S to school.
Day two-four-I was able to buy an all day pass on the bus. The means $12 per day to take S to school.
Day four-different information from a different source. I am able to buy a week pass on the bus and don’t have to go to the main station. It equates to $4.80 per day. I am getting better.
Time to and from school.
Day one-5 ½ hours-ouch.
Day two-4 ½ hours-ok.
Day three- 3 ½ hours-better.
Day four- 3 1/2 (this is as good as it will be)
School Days-The First Week!
Well, this is S’s second week of school and she is doing great. Here is our first weeks recap. Saturday night she asked if she could go to school tomorrow. I guess she likes it.
First Day of School
She did great. I cried. It was like getting water from a stone to hear about school. She did complain I didn’t pack enough lunch. Everyone was so friendly and helpful.
Second Day of School
She cried. (So I cried after I left.)
Third Day of School
She barely said goodbye. She came out of school so excited and happy. She has a best friend A. Although she was annoyed she didn’t have something for show and tell. She complained, I packed too much lunch and couldn’t finish it fast enough. Can’t win.
Fourth Day of School
She ran off to play, I didn’t cry finally. She has many friends and is the hit of her class. I hope the novelty lasts long enough for her to settle in. The moms are wonderful at drop off. I often look at one or another and think-hmmm, so and so of the group. However, I miss my moms! There is nothing like you all.
S told us that every child has picked her each day (twice a day) to walk the register to the office. (A different child is picked each day, and they pick a friend-S in this case.) She said she hopes she isn’t always so famous! I guess she is fitting in.
Fifth Day of School
At 1:30 they did a walk-20 laps around a soccer field. S was exhausted. She is walking about 2 ½ miles a day to and from the bus stops and school. She has had trouble falling asleep before 9 or 10. I have to wake her each day by 7am. Poor kid.
She has homework every night. A book for her (and I mean her) to read and five words to learn. Wow. I personally think they are too young for all day school and then homework. They start when our kids start 4 year old preschool.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Up and Running
We had internet, phone and cable tv installed Friday. So, we are back in the game. Hurrah! I have several entries for the blog, so if interested everything after The News is new. I will also add some pictures to these recent blogs when I can.
Random thought. I know I mentioned this earlier, but every person we meet says, “Why oh, why would you move to the UK?” I think they watch to much American TV and think we all live in the movies?
Love you!
Random thought. I know I mentioned this earlier, but every person we meet says, “Why oh, why would you move to the UK?” I think they watch to much American TV and think we all live in the movies?
Love you!
Curry’s (Best Buy)
We went to Curry’s and purchased a Fridge, Dishwasher, Vacuum and Washer/Dryer (it is one unit). We still need a microwave, toaster, iron, radio, etc. Our TV might actually work here. We are just waiting for it to arrive. That would be great. I still don’t have internet, a phone, a cell phone, a car!!! It makes me feel trapped.
We spent the day, and I mean day (left at 9:30 and got home at 7:00) at Ikea. The kids were incredible to survive the day. I know I wanted to go home. We purchased the basics: Beds, mattresses, dressers, starter dish set kit and starter kitchen kit and a bunch of other odds and ends. It will be delivered tomorrow. We still need various furniture and a dinning room set. At least we should have mattresses for Sunday night.
Moving Day
Well, VMW came home tonight and announced it was finally moving day! We are all very happy. We decided to stay at the apartment until Sunday, so that we would have time to buy the things we need to get settled. Yippee!
So What the Heck are Plimsolls?
The kids and I went to S’s new school to pick up uniforms and meet her teacher. Everyone is very nice and helpful. However, she needs to wear Plimsolls for gym. Huh? No trainers (tennis shoes). They showed me a plimsoll, so I could find them at a shoe store. They are little black shoes with a velcro strap. They are something between a tennis shoe and a dress shoe. I don’t know why you would wear them for gym, but…go with the flow.
Did we bring the Camera??
Of course not.
After a very long day at the apartment, with no progress forward and rain, we had a great night. When VW got home I was crazy to get out. I wanted to have a nice dinner somewhere with good food. It has been a while since we found something good to eat. I take it back, the food here isn't that great. We stopped at The Bradgate in a little town outside of Groby. It was so great. S and I had a burger and VW had the best steak and ale pie, and X had fish. After we drove around and found Bradgate Park. It seemed like any other state park as we walked in, but then you pass through a gate and you see a large beautiful hill with a tower at the top. There was beautiful deer wandering around. You could see all of Leicester from the hilltop. It was unimaginable.
Topping off the evening, was the most beautiful pink, purple, yellow and blue sunset I have ever seen. It is these moments I am glad we came on this adventure.
After a very long day at the apartment, with no progress forward and rain, we had a great night. When VW got home I was crazy to get out. I wanted to have a nice dinner somewhere with good food. It has been a while since we found something good to eat. I take it back, the food here isn't that great. We stopped at The Bradgate in a little town outside of Groby. It was so great. S and I had a burger and VW had the best steak and ale pie, and X had fish. After we drove around and found Bradgate Park. It seemed like any other state park as we walked in, but then you pass through a gate and you see a large beautiful hill with a tower at the top. There was beautiful deer wandering around. You could see all of Leicester from the hilltop. It was unimaginable.
Topping off the evening, was the most beautiful pink, purple, yellow and blue sunset I have ever seen. It is these moments I am glad we came on this adventure.
Friday, June 13, 2008
The News
When possible, I have watched a bit of the news here. It is really funny. They sit on a couch and hold up all of the various newspapers and read them. The hot topics are gas prices, the environment, health care, terrorism, housing market, and a celebrity wedding (some FB player and author.) Sound familiar?
There is currently a 4 day strike happening by truckers who deliver gas to stations. There are discussions about less driving and more public transportation.
There was a protest in Leicester last week about the building of an ECO Town. (The kids and I walked through it.) Supporters say it is an attempt at making a better environmentally sound town. Protesters say it is a sham to keep building. I don’t know.
The National Health care system seems to have the similar complaints. People can’t see the doctors they want or get the medicines they need. They argue over treating some diseases aggressively, using up funds for regular care. However, if you have a serious disease and need the aggressive treatment? An interesting twist that is a hot point is that patients who whose drugs not approved in the plan and pay with private funds, are then denied national treatment for their diseases. This even effects funds raised by a community to support a sick child for example.
There are new laws under discussion for how long you can hold a terrorist suspect.
Mortgage costs and interest rates are up. Housing prices have dropped 6 ½% this year and nothing is selling. People had mortgages with 0 down and are in trouble if their payments go up. They can’t sell their houses for what they owe.
The press is hounding the celebrity couple trying to determine the location of their wedding. And who won the UK apprentice? (It was Lee by the way. And I don’t even watch it in the states.)
We aren’t in Kansas anymore… or wait maybe we are?
There is currently a 4 day strike happening by truckers who deliver gas to stations. There are discussions about less driving and more public transportation.
There was a protest in Leicester last week about the building of an ECO Town. (The kids and I walked through it.) Supporters say it is an attempt at making a better environmentally sound town. Protesters say it is a sham to keep building. I don’t know.
The National Health care system seems to have the similar complaints. People can’t see the doctors they want or get the medicines they need. They argue over treating some diseases aggressively, using up funds for regular care. However, if you have a serious disease and need the aggressive treatment? An interesting twist that is a hot point is that patients who whose drugs not approved in the plan and pay with private funds, are then denied national treatment for their diseases. This even effects funds raised by a community to support a sick child for example.
There are new laws under discussion for how long you can hold a terrorist suspect.
Mortgage costs and interest rates are up. Housing prices have dropped 6 ½% this year and nothing is selling. People had mortgages with 0 down and are in trouble if their payments go up. They can’t sell their houses for what they owe.
The press is hounding the celebrity couple trying to determine the location of their wedding. And who won the UK apprentice? (It was Lee by the way. And I don’t even watch it in the states.)
We aren’t in Kansas anymore… or wait maybe we are?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Yep, they really do drive on the left side of the road. Also, the driver is on the right side of the car, and most of the cars are manual transmission. These are pictures of the long term 'hire-car' (rental car) that we have. The 'sat-nav' (GPS) that we have is a life saver. Navigating the round abouts definitely takes some getting used to. VW
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Big Fat Lip...
VW headed to Newcastle for a business trip. He should be home tomorrow night and we will hopefully move on Friday. VW’s boss was surprised we had a house and school lined up. VW told him things moved slower here and we needed to reset our expectations. His boss said, “Try living in France!” His boss is there regularly.
We tried to walk from the new house to S’s school. So, far we haven’t found a workable path. One option can only be reached on foot, no stroller or bikes can pass. It is not as walking and biking friendly as I expected. Also, there is only buses for public transportation and they are expensive. We have started to research a leased car for me. I still haven’t driven outside of a parking lot. Although, I am no longer carsick as a passenger. (And I have never been carsick before. I love rides and speed, and the likes.)
A few of you have asked about phrases. I can only comment on one so far. “Y’ll whyte.” Or rather “Are you all right?” which actually means hello. It is hard not to answer yes, versus hello. Since coming, I have only had one conversation outside of the four of us. It was at V’s co-worker’s home. Otherwise, only friendly, in passing comments. Strange, especially for me. I pity our first visitor. Ha!
Also, per usual for VW and I, everyone asks if we are Canadian. Ah! We take it as a compliment.
Finally, every time someone asks if we are on Holiday, we say “We have moved here to Leicester.” They respond, “Really? Leicester, you chose Leicester? Well, it is a nice place.” I think it must be similar to moving from Newcastle, England to Detroit? At least, that is my best guess. It seems just fine here to us. I am sure there are prettier cities, but there is a lot to do and we are a quick train ride or car ride away from everything. Everyone is very nice to us.
I am reading The Twentieth Wife by Indu Sundaresan. It is really good. Thanks, I had several people recommend it. It is about the Mughal Empire in India. Historical fiction about an Emperor, Prince, wives, etc. It took me maybe 50 pages to get really hooked into it. There is a sequel Feast of Roses.
Later...Love you all.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Time to Catch up
Happy Birthday X!
Sorry for the long delay. I have had various technical difficulties. I will try and catch you up on the last several days. I also have several pictures I want to post.
I will work backwards. Today, we had beautiful weather. We decided to head to Nottingham Castle. As it turns out, as you enter the gate of the Castle, the sign reads, “Where is the Castle?” Apparently, all that is left is the gate. Everything else crumpled 200 years ago. The castle has been used by William the Conqueror in 1100’s to Henry the Vlll in the 1500’s. Now there is a new museum, park, and café. S was rather disappointed. We also stopped at the oldest Pub in England and VW had a beer (1189 AD). It was mostly a tourist trap.
It was a tough day for me as I had food poisoning Saturday night. It was about as bad as it can be, and I am still not well.
Saturday, was a better day. We visited the Space Center here. It is so cool. We really had fun. I would recommend it for any science and space travel buffs. The tickets are annual passes if you are a resident. “Hey that’s us!”
Friday, was wonderful. VW worked and then we headed to an indoor water park at the community center. It had a wave pool and two large slides. I even convinced S to go down one of the slides (an adult can slide with them). At the last minute, she almost didn't go down. I forced her a little bit and said, "S, trust mommy." I held my feet on the sides to slow us. Ultimately, she was mad she couldn't go down by herself! We went 12-15 times and X too. He loved it. "Again, again, again" he would chant. I was so proud of S. It was really a big step for her. We would go down so fast. V and I were exhausted at the end. It was a great stair climbing workout.
Most days while VW is at work, I take the kids walking around Leicester’s downtown (3 hours or so.) We explore something new everyday. We found the Jewry Museum, which is on the ruins of the oldest building in Leicester (a Roman Bath House). The kids can run all over in the park area.
The other day it was around 75 and the agent (helping with the rental) told us not to worry, it only gets that hot a few weeks in the summer! Oh Oh.
We have put an application in on a house. It has 4 bedrooms and 3 baths (room for visitors!) It is only seven years old. We should be moving in the end of the week. We are so ready to be settled.
We also found a great school for S. It is different then the other schools we visited. It is large by British standards. There are two classes per grade. It also has two gyms and is housed in one continuous building. They have specialists to teach various subjects including French! The environment was very hands on and that should be good for S. and she will wear a cute little red uniform!
There is a waiting list for the school, but do to a strange twist in fate we were able to get her into the school. It is a little far to walk, with the side walk options between our house and the school. I am hoping to bike with a burly eventually. We will need to take the bus at first.
X has been climbing on a box, and saying “TALL!” He has also taken to talking to a lamp. VW got him started. Poor kid. Happy Birthday X.
Hope all is well. We miss everyone very much. This still feels like a long, strange, not very exciting vacation. I am sure school and the house will change our mode.
Pictures are at Jewry museum.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Going away Pictures
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Food Myth
We have had wonderful meals. The pubs have great food. However, everything is served with chips! Pizza, spaghetti, Breakfast, etc.
Tea and Schools
Day 5
Tea was grand. The family we met was so nice. Their children were absolutely lovely. The daughter is 11 and the son is 8. I can’t express enough how kind and generous everyone has been.
As usual for us, our favorite school doesn’t have an opening. The second choice is ok. The people were incredibly nice. It is so different then in the states. The schools are very small with usually one and sometimes two class rooms per grade. They have approximately 30 students per class. In each room there is at least a teacher and a support staff person. With additional staff depending on the time of day and activity. They also have one on one staff for children with special needs. Are the teachers drooling yet? There are schools at every corner. They seem to follow the small neighborhood school path instead of the large school path we now have in the States. The buildings are old and small, with additional hub rooms/trailers to accommodate more students, thus there are many buildings and students must go outside to move about the school. They have one small gym that is for assembly and lunch. The class rooms themselves are very small. They have some specialists that visit the schools, but the teachers tend to teach most of the subjects directly. I think it will be really nice to experience both styles over the next several years. I am sure there are benefits and downsides to both systems. Well, enough for now.
By the way, VW got the GPS working again. Hurrah! I was so happy.
Tea was grand. The family we met was so nice. Their children were absolutely lovely. The daughter is 11 and the son is 8. I can’t express enough how kind and generous everyone has been.
As usual for us, our favorite school doesn’t have an opening. The second choice is ok. The people were incredibly nice. It is so different then in the states. The schools are very small with usually one and sometimes two class rooms per grade. They have approximately 30 students per class. In each room there is at least a teacher and a support staff person. With additional staff depending on the time of day and activity. They also have one on one staff for children with special needs. Are the teachers drooling yet? There are schools at every corner. They seem to follow the small neighborhood school path instead of the large school path we now have in the States. The buildings are old and small, with additional hub rooms/trailers to accommodate more students, thus there are many buildings and students must go outside to move about the school. They have one small gym that is for assembly and lunch. The class rooms themselves are very small. They have some specialists that visit the schools, but the teachers tend to teach most of the subjects directly. I think it will be really nice to experience both styles over the next several years. I am sure there are benefits and downsides to both systems. Well, enough for now.
By the way, VW got the GPS working again. Hurrah! I was so happy.
Mega Stores are Alive and Well in England
Day 4
VW went to work today. He also spent time working on housing and school appointments. We visit two schools tomorrow and then are having Tea with a co-worker’s family. (Our first tea! ) The wife works for the school inspection group.
We found a mega shopping area. We were looking for a place to replace the GPS (twice what we paid the first time for the same item. We have decided to wait and look further.) It was similar to a very large strip mall with all the big stores. For example, Curry’s is similar to Best Buy and ASDA is a division of Wal-Mart. So far, I haven’t really experienced my image of walking to the separate local grocer, butcher, baker, etc. A thing of the past? I will see as we settle into a home. It is nice to know the mega shop is available, but I had reverie about local shops.
VW went to work today. He also spent time working on housing and school appointments. We visit two schools tomorrow and then are having Tea with a co-worker’s family. (Our first tea! ) The wife works for the school inspection group.
We found a mega shopping area. We were looking for a place to replace the GPS (twice what we paid the first time for the same item. We have decided to wait and look further.) It was similar to a very large strip mall with all the big stores. For example, Curry’s is similar to Best Buy and ASDA is a division of Wal-Mart. So far, I haven’t really experienced my image of walking to the separate local grocer, butcher, baker, etc. A thing of the past? I will see as we settle into a home. It is nice to know the mega shop is available, but I had reverie about local shops.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Going to the Clinic
Day 3
Welcome to the National Healthcare System. For once it wasn’t me! We had to find a walk in clinic for VW. We noticed sometime after flying that he was bleeding in his right eye (he had lasik in April resulting in 20/10 and 20/15 vision.) From walking in to leaving was less then an hour. You see a nurse and not a doctor. It seems he has a broken blood vessel. If he doesn’t have anymore, then he should be fine.
After the clinic visit, we were so close to Nottingham, we went to Ikea and priced furnishings. The prices seem similar to the states.
The biggest BUMMER: The GPS died! We just bought it. We can return it, but our information is in the airlift package. We are going to try and buy a replacement tomorrow. It makes all the difference to have one.
We were all up all night again. VW and the kids slept until 10:30.
Welcome to the National Healthcare System. For once it wasn’t me! We had to find a walk in clinic for VW. We noticed sometime after flying that he was bleeding in his right eye (he had lasik in April resulting in 20/10 and 20/15 vision.) From walking in to leaving was less then an hour. You see a nurse and not a doctor. It seems he has a broken blood vessel. If he doesn’t have anymore, then he should be fine.
After the clinic visit, we were so close to Nottingham, we went to Ikea and priced furnishings. The prices seem similar to the states.
The biggest BUMMER: The GPS died! We just bought it. We can return it, but our information is in the airlift package. We are going to try and buy a replacement tomorrow. It makes all the difference to have one.
We were all up all night again. VW and the kids slept until 10:30.
Finding Our Way
Day 2
The temporary apartment is adequate. Both kids went to bed around 11pm, were up at 2am for an hour, and then slept until 9, when we woke them to go house hunting. We found two good options and will look a few more days and then decide. The houses so far have been in Groby (Gruby). We would prefer Kirby Muxloe, but the options are very limited.
We ate lunch at a little restaurant with an outdoor playground. The kids barely ate, but enjoyed running around.
We also went grocery shopping. The prices are about 50% to 100% higher. We bought enough to have snacks, breakfast and milk in the apartment.
We walked around Leicester and ate at Subway. Sad, I know, but sometimes quick and easy is necessary.
I had a migraine last night, I was so glad to have my migraine meds. We have had almost no sleep.
It really hit as we were looking around today. We are really here. We are really doing this. Wow.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Arrival in England
We have arrived safely, if a bit ragged. S slept well on the plane, but X managed to stay up until 2 am on the flight. We landed around 12:00 and were in our apartment by 6pm. We grabbed dinner at an Italian place called Ask and went to bed. The food was really good and we were very hungry.
We had no trouble navigating Heathrow. I am sure we were a sight with 10 suitcases, 4 carry on bags, two car seats, a pack and play, stroller and 2 babes! We needed three push carts. VW pushed two and I pushed one and pulled the tray of the stroller. We made it!
We rented a mini van (they are much smaller then in the USA). We were packed in so tight I had two carry ons in my lap. From Airport to temporary apartment took us about 5 hours. I don’t know how we would have survived without the GPS. VW is doing a great job driving. I feel like a wreck in the car.
On the disaster end of things-WE LOST X’S HOCKEY HAT!
More later!
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